Or even about some stuff that happened in the past few months when i wasn't really blogging.
But näh...i'm too lazy for that! Instead I'll show you my cool new Converse's, my street & my 'new' bike.
I finally finally got an 'Oma'-bike...a lifelong wish haha! Mr. Giraffe-bike was kind of dying (well he almost let me die by stopping in the middle of the street!)...so i traded him in...literally, i got a 10euro discount on this bike by trading him in...quite funny when you think about the fact that i once spent 15euro's to buy Mr. Giraffe haha!
My purple All Stars...they were made for me!
While biking home in my street this afternoon

My bike is in fact the nice & shiny one in the front

Bye bye Mr. Giraffe
Mr. Giraffe back in 2006, in Amsterdam, with Stina!
OH MY GOD!!!! I want your shoes. They are sooooooo cool! lmao.