Don't really know what to write, don't know what to say to people either other than telling what happened.
What happened?
Some madman drove through a crowd of people in my mom's hometown Apeldoorn yesterday. The queen & rest of royal family were there to celebrate Queensday, the biggest & best party of the year in NL. He was aiming for their bus but missed...the Royal family, audience and millions of people at home witnessed this.
I was one of those people, slightly hangover after a night of hardcore partying during Queensday-night we were watching the live report, having breakfast, laughing at Maxima's strange hat...and then this happened. We only realized a little later that lots of people actually got hurt. Disgusting sight.
We watched for an hour or so, but what can you go out and try to enjoy this wonderful day with a weird feeling in the back of your head. So I did...went to Gouda with a dear friend where I met up with more good friends.
And then I noticed my mom had called me twice. A little later she tried to call again. She left a message. A message which made the world stop, 'I'm on the way to the hospital, your uncle is severely hurt in the Apeldoorn incident'.
When I'd finally got hold of her and my sisters I tried to get it together and realize what happened..but I don't think I did, still don't think I did even if it's a day later.
Last night was waiting and watching the news. Then mom calls again, saying it's not good. More tears. And talking with my friends.
Later I decided to go home and try to call my mom again, no news...they were gonna spend the night there.
Weird night, weird dreams...numb when I got to work. Made the mistake to pick up a Metro on my way there and realized there's a close-up of my uncle in it, plus several other photos where you can see him.
Mom calls, bad news...too much fluid in his head, end of story.